Thursday, December 18, 2008

highlights about reading

the high lights about my reading this year is that i got to read alot of good books.i enjoy reading alot! even though i am a slow reader like to take my time so that i can understand what im reading.if i read fast i dnt get everything the author is trying to stay.during the break i plan to finish th book i started and have not finished in a while.i have stopped reading the book so that i could cath up on my school work since i like to read more. i am really determined to finish the book since it is the last sequel to the twilight series.the lowlights are that i have no time to read as much as i did in the summer since i have homework now.

reading assingment

the book im reading is called "hoot".it is about a boy named roy who sees a boy running with no shoes and faded cloths.while roy is watching him run hes getting bullied by a kid named dana.a week passes and he has not seen the boy.the next day he sees him run again but roy is etting bullied so he punched dana and runs for the kid.Roygot hit on the head by a golf ball and gets hurt. i think that roy shouldve minded his own buisnes because hes getting himself into trouble that he shouldnt be in.